Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and love is in the air. Whether it’s your first date with a friend or your latest swipe on Hinge, here are a few dates you should do and a few dates you don’t!

Dates You Do
Museum or Art Gallery: Get to know each other in this casual setting and share your thoughts on art or whatever the artist is sharing.

Live Music: Everybody likes music. Spend the night surrounded by good vibes and grab a couple drinks! This is a great way to keep the conversation going after the event!
Spending Time in Nature: Push limits, not boundaries when it comes to exploring the great outdoors. Find a mellow activity like hiking or a nature walk and let the peace around you do the talking!

Picnics: This can be a romantic and memorable way to spend a first date. Pick out some of your favorites and some of theirs and enjoy each other's company.
Comedy Clubs: Every list of things people look for in a partner includes: make me laugh. If you can’t beat em, get tickets 😎
Dates You Don’t
Movies: This is a no-no for first dates in 2023.We want information, and we want it fast. Leave the movies out until you reach the Netflix and chill…
Clubs: Tell me the last special evening you can remember with a date where you were yelling, “I have to go to the bathroom” at the top of your lungs. I’ll wait.

Fast Food Chains: Nothing shouts “romance” like a reservation at Outback. If you can find it at the mall then you might as well go shopping.

High Energy Activities: Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, Mud Runs offer an easy way to make a bad first impression. Maybe mini golf?
Family Events: Whether it's Jordans soccer game or Uncle Tony’s birthday, don't introduce them to the crazy you can't control before they decide they want to deal with your crazy.
